The world we’re in

Frequently asked questions:

What is ‘The World We’re In’ ?

‘The World We’re In’ is an online course designed especially for young Muslims. The
primary purpose of the learning programme is to show our youngsters that Islam has a
perspective and solution to today’s stories and dilemmas.

Who is it aimed at?

It is mainly aimed at 11–16-year-olds, male and female. However, the course proved
popular with Muslims older than this age range too, including Muslim converts.

Who has designed the course?

The material for the course has been provided by Dr Hafiz Ather Hussain al-Azhari,
Islamic Studies teacher at the ‘Outstanding’-rated al-Burhan Grammar School,

How is it taught?

It is taught via Google Classrooms. Each week, pupils are set written work, readings and
videos to watch that they are required to complete and submit it in their own time.

What makes the course unique?

-It is flexible. Students are set work on a weekly basis, such as readings, videos to watch
and multiple-choice tasks to complete. They can complete the work at their own pace.
The course is not live and zoom-based, whereby they need to be at a computer at a set
-It is relevant. The topic areas touch on the issues that affect modern living today;
staying positive, peer pressure, mental health, the good and bad of social media and so
much more.
-It is interesting, engaging, fun and creative. All of the work has been designed
specifically for a younger audience. Competitions were held with £200 worth of prizes
given to successful pupils.
-It is marked and assessed. Throughout the course, all submitted work is graded.
At the end of the course, successful students are provided with a certificate.
-It is responsive. The course has come about thanks to years of experience working with
youngsters and understanding their needs, queries and predicaments. At the same time,
we want parents to add their input on what topic areas they think we should include in
the course. Insha Allah, throughout the course, opportunities are provided for parents
to offer their invaluable input.

What topic areas does the course cover?

The 2023 Summer course will focus around positive thoughts and outcomes and will aim at instilling positivity, hope and optimism in the hearts of our young Muslims.

The course offered in December 2021 covered the following topic areas:
(i) Can Muslims celebrate Christmas?

(ii) What is Ibada (worship)?

(iii) Time management

and much more ..


-The Summer 2022 course covered topics such as

(i) Our Inner and Outer health

(ii) Stopping Envy

(iii) Understanding the Ego and much more

Short books will also be sent out this summer for the pupils to read.

What was the feedback like from the first course?

Alhamdulillah, the feedback from both parents and pupils was overwhelmingly positive.
Here are some of them:

Feedback from pupils:
“I really loved the course. It was interesting and it covered topics that were important
and fun to learn about. I would have liked the quizzes to be a little harder but overall, it
was just the right amount of everything. My family and I had fun talking about the topics
as well and I’d say we had more bonding time, which was fun. Jazakallahu Khairan.”

“Thank you Ustad Ji very much for this amazing course. I have learned a lot about
stories that I didn’t know or knew little about.”

“I love this course because it is super interesting and tells me stuff I don’t know.”
“It is very understandable and it is sometimes fun to do when learning; Jazakallah for
your efforts.”

“I wanted to thank you for producing this course and all of the content, not feeling like it
was forcefully preached or made you feel inadequate or judged. Your kind and friendly
approach really made me feel comfortable. The variety was very good and I liked that it
linked to important dates in the Islamic calendar at the time too. I really appreciated all
the hard work that you must have put in behind the scenes to produce this and get it
marked on time.”

“If the course was longer and there were more competitions, it would be better. Other
than that, I found this course very beneficial and has helped me improve my daily life as
a Muslim teenager. Jazakallah.”

“This online course is really helpful. It teaches a lot about Islam in our daily lives and
also improves our English with the 99-word essay.”

Feedback from parents:
“Thanks a lot, the course was exactly what my daughter needs. She enjoyed it a lot.”

“Alhamdulillah, I was very pleased with this online course. In fact I learnt from it too
and recapped on my basic Islamic knowledge. It was our family time, we sat together
and the watched the videos and went through the PowerPoints and were all on the
same level. The flexibility of it was amazing which was very motivating as it wasn’t live
online, and we had a week to complete any tasks. May Allah reward the hard work and
efforts that have been put into it by the staff. And lastly, it was brilliant in the sense as it
related to the world we are in today, so well done.”

“Subhanallah, the course was filled with so much benefit for my child. Your approach
was so friendly and appealing. Having videos to watch was a very good idea, giving a
feeling of actually being present in a Dars and the quizzes were very interactive.”

“Living in Germany, we are deprived of such opportunities and would definitely love to
continue gaining knowledge through yourself in the English language.”

“This was a unique course Mashallah. My son does not want it to come to an end. I
particularly appreciated the balanced approach of combining the Deen and modern day
living. We usually get one side or the other, but not combined as one. Alhamdulillah very
grateful for this opportunity.”

“My children thoroughly enjoyed participating in the course. There was just the right
amount of content to keep then engaged for the week until their next lesson. I look
forward to seeing more courses from you Inshallah.”

“Excellent course, Jazakallah for your hard work and effort in delivering an inspiring,
engaging course.”

When is the next course due to begin Insha Allah?

The course will Insha Allah begin on Monday 30th July 2023. Please register at

What are the fees?
£20 per household. This means if more than one child has registered on the course from
the same family, you do not need to pay £20 for one child, £40 for two etc. Rather the
one payment of £20 is sufficient Inshallah.
How do I register for the course?

Please fill in the relevant forms and Inshallah, additional information will be sent to you.