The Study Circles

The Study Circle Series is a programme of learning presented by Dr. Hafiz Ather Hussain al-Azhari, held at the Islamic Centre, Leicester, UK. Over the last ten years, Islamic topics relating to fiqh, seerah and aqidah have been addressed in detail, with Powerpoint presentations. Abul Noor exclusively presents the notes and videos from this series.

Jazakallah to Haji Tahir Patel for the videos

History of the Ka'ba

Zamzam water

The history of al-Masjid al-Nabawi

Our forefather Ibrahim

Imam al-Ghazali on heaven and hell

Chronicles of Dhul Qarnayn

Ramadan and healthy living

The Prophet’s ﷺ children

Al-Ghazali book of fasting from Ihya Ulum al-DIn

The Companions of the Cave

Shaytan: the open enemy

Islam and Fake News

Al-Ghazali’s book of knowledge from Ihya

The Story of Musa and Khidr (peace be upon them)

Spiritualism in a material world

Prophet’s ﷺ letters to the kings

The blessed hairs of the Prophet (peace be upon him)

Dreams in Islam